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Hydrangea Teller Blue: The Ultimate Guide To Growing This Stunning Flower

Hydrangea Teller Blue is a beautiful and versatile plant that can add a touch of elegance to any garden. It is known for its large, blue flowers that bloom in late summer and early fall. Teller Blue hydrangeas are relatively easy to care for, but there are a few things you should know in order to keep them thriving.

In this blog post, we will provide you with the ultimate guide to growing Hydrangea Teller Blue. We will cover everything from choosing the right location to watering and feeding your plants. We will also discuss how to control pests and diseases, and how to deadhead your hydrangeas for a second flush of blooms.

By the end of this post, you will be an expert on growing Hydrangea Teller Blue. So let's get started!

Choosing the Right Location

The first step to growing Hydrangea Teller Blue is choosing the right location. These plants prefer full sun to partial shade, but they can also tolerate some direct sunlight. If you live in a hot climate, it is best to plant your hydrangeas in a location that gets some afternoon shade.

Teller Blue hydrangeas also prefer well-drained soil. If your soil is heavy clay, you will need to amend it with compost or sand to improve drainage.

Watering and Feeding

Hydrangea Teller Blue plants need regular watering, especially during the summer months. Water your plants deeply once a week, or more often if the weather is hot and dry.

In addition to water, Teller Blue hydrangeas also benefit from regular feeding. You can fertilize your plants in the spring and fall with a balanced fertilizer.

Pests and Diseases

Hydrangea Teller Blue plants are relatively resistant to pests and diseases. However, they can be susceptible to aphids, scale, and powdery mildew. If you see any signs of pests or diseases, you can treat your plants with insecticidal soap or neem oil.


Deadheading is the process of removing spent blooms from your hydrangeas. This will encourage new blooms to form and help to keep your plants looking their best.

You can deadhead your Teller Blue hydrangeas in the fall or winter. Simply remove the spent blooms from the stems with a pair of sharp scissors.

Second Flush of Blooms

If you deadhead your Teller Blue hydrangeas properly, you may be rewarded with a second flush of blooms in the fall. This is especially likely if you live in a mild climate.

To encourage a second flush of blooms, deadhead your hydrangeas in the fall as soon as the first flush of blooms begins to fade. You can also fertilize your plants again in the fall to help stimulate new growth.


Growing Hydrangea Teller Blue is a rewarding experience. These plants are beautiful, easy to care for, and can provide years of enjoyment. By following the tips in this blog post, you can ensure that your Teller Blue hydrangeas thrive for many years to come.

Hydrangea teller blue is a beautiful and popular variety of hydrangea. It is known for its large, blue blooms that can reach up to 12 inches in diameter. Teller blue hydrangeas are also relatively easy to care for, making them a good choice for beginner gardeners.

If you are interested in learning more about hydrangea teller blue, I encourage you to visit . This website has a wealth of information about this variety of hydrangea, including planting instructions, care tips, and troubleshooting advice.

In addition to the website, you can also find more information about hydrangea teller blue by searching for it online or in gardening books. With a little research, you will be well on your way to growing your own beautiful hydrangea teller blue plant.

FAQ of hydrangea teller blue

Q: What is Hydrangea Teller Blue?

A: Hydrangea Teller Blue is a type of hydrangea that is known for its beautiful blue flowers. It is a member of the Hydrangea macrophylla family, and it is hardy in zones 5-9. Teller Blue hydrangeas typically grow to be 4-6 feet tall and 3-5 feet wide. They bloom in the summer, and their flowers can last for several weeks.

Q: How do I get my Hydrangea Teller Blue to bloom blue?

A: The color of Hydrangea Teller Blue flowers is determined by the pH of the soil. In acidic soil (pH below 6), the flowers will turn blue. In alkaline soil (pH above 7), the flowers will turn pink or even red. If you want your Teller Blue hydrangeas to bloom blue, you will need to amend your soil to make it more acidic. You can do this by adding peat moss, sulfur, or aluminum sulfate to the soil.

Q: How much sun does Hydrangea Teller Blue need?

A: Hydrangea Teller Blue needs full sun to partial shade. It will tolerate some shade, but it will not bloom as well in full shade. If you live in a hot climate, you may want to plant your Teller Blue hydrangea in a location that gets some afternoon shade.

Q: How do I care for Hydrangea Teller Blue?

A: Hydrangea Teller Blue is a relatively easy plant to care for. It needs regular watering, especially during the summer months. It is also a good idea to fertilize your Teller Blue hydrangeas in the spring and fall. You can use a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10.

Q: How do I overwinter Hydrangea Teller Blue?

A: Hydrangea Teller Blue is hardy in zones 5-9. If you live in a colder climate, you may need to take some steps to protect your Teller Blue hydrangeas from winter cold. You can do this by mulching the soil around the plants, or by covering the plants with a burlap sack.

Image of hydrangea teller blue

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